14 In Insight

Gotta get on the good foot!




Riding the rails, staying on track… all my good intentions got derailed by not feeling well and having some curves thrown at me, but that’s not an excuse. So here I am, already failed – though to be fair to myself, after checking what other people have posted about their blogging for the Your Turn Challenge, I’m in good company!


So I’m combining my first and second blog prompts together for this post. And that’s my executive decision. because just because I missed a day doesn’t mean that I’m going to let this go off the rails.


Day 1: Why are you doing the Your Turn Challenge?

Because I need a win to start off the New Year, after having a bad 2014. Having a win = getting through something that I challenge myself to do, in this case. This is also a way for me to get back into the saddle of regular blogging, since that was one of the first things to go when my depression went into overdrive last year, unexpectedly. And that all circles back to “needing a win” – rebuilding confidence. Sharing my vulnerability with you, as a way for me to be stronger and for you to know me better and see that I’m just a regular ol’ human with a love for color and fiber, and that we can be friends.  🙂


Day 2: Tell us about something that’s important to you.

Honesty is one of the most important things in the world to me. It’s why I tell all of you when I’m screwing up or feeling inadequate… and also when I’m feeling awesome and powerful and smart, as well! It’s the thing that says “let me be transparent for you, so that you can catch the love and excitement that I have for what I do, and so that you can share in all the highs in my work – and also so that you can see that it’s *not* easy, and I screw up and that’s okay because I’ll do my best to fix every screw up, and we’re in this together, and you [hopefully] know that you can count on me to do the best I can to be awesome to and for you.”

Honesty is what drives my blog posts. It’s what makes me try to offer the best products that I can. It’s what makes me support and promote other peoples’ work alongside my own – because honesty dictates that I admit that other people do amazing things in fiber arts, and it also dictates that to be at my most excellent, I should happily share those finds with you. And I do, I do! I get excited to see the response that my honesty garners, and when it inspires others to share their experiences. That’s all I could hope for.


So that’s days 1 & 2 of the Your Turn Challenge. Next post will be up tomorrow!

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