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On to 2019: a boon, a blessing, a kindness

2019 a boon

Boon: A good thing; a blessing or benefit; a thing to be thankful for. Kind; bountiful; benign.

[also the woody portion of flax, interestingly and appropriately enough]

I think most everyone I know feels about the same when it comes to 2018 – it’s been a weird, confusing, often stressful year with some bizarre twists and turns. But here we are, on the other side of it; and looking back, I can see all the good things that came out of the year, too.

That’s the important thing, to me – being able to count the blessings, to balance the difficult parts with the great moments and unexpected extras – the boons that the year offered. That’s how I stay upbeat and keep moving forward, no matter what setbacks life throws at me.

2019 a boon

Looking back can help me see the successes and also the mistakes I’ve made throughout the year, and that helps me pinpoint what I should concentrate on for the year to come. Sometimes it also tells me funny things, like how I really prefer warm colors to cool ones, as noted in my Instagram Best Nine collage for this year:

Insta Best 9 2018

*you can get your own Best Nine here: https://2017bestnine.com/

love visual reviews like this! It tells me so much: what people are responding to, what colors I’m favoring, where I’ve been this year, what sort of posts I might consider for next year… in this case, I know the aforementioned warm colors, plus that people really like posts with my face in them [personal connection] and posts where I’m doing something [spinning, vending at a show, showing off what I’m creating]. Updates from my travels to galleries and museums are also pretty popular, with good reason!

I also like looking over my calendar from the year, and any journal notes I’ve taken. I’ve mentioned previously that I’ve started using a Traveler’s Notebook with a hybrid Bullet Journal method for keeping track of all my business things, and it has been SUPER helpful. I can look over a month and see exactly what I’ve achieved, or where months have been more open and less busy – that means that next year’s calendar will be more efficient. Some things I’ve learned over time, like when classes get the most and least sign-ups, but seeing that laid out visually is really impactful.

travelers journal

I know I’ve talked about this before, but I use the Bullet Method Index-As-You-Go method of keeping everything organized and easy to find, and it works like a charm. You number the pages as you use them and then just add that to your index, either as a new entry or a continuing one depending on the situation. It’s really brilliant and easy.

You can start a journal like this at any time! I got a calendar insert that you number yourself, so you can begin at any month, and started in September. I had been using a different planner but I really needed something I could control and customize, and the Travelers Notebook system is so inexpensive and customizable, it works perfectly for my needs.

I have three notebook inserts in my business journal. One is my calendar, which goes from September 2018 through October 2019; the second is my Business Notebook, which I’m filling with notes, ideas, and extended plans like a blogging/video schedule and ideas for new products. I also keep a wishlist for tools/books/future shows and the like, and there’s a page for future colorways that I’m always jotting notes on for dyeing or carding sessions. I recently added a page of mantras to get me through the times when I doubt myself: the current one is “Art is Valid Work.” Because… it is.

The third notebook is filled with notes from classes I’m taking and general journaling about my ideas and feelings about my work. This is where the rubber hits the road in some ways, because these entries often gel into new creations and directions. Currently, I’ve been processing how I want to move into 2019, because it’s been obvious that some things that used to work just aren’t, anymore – and I’ve been bored with some of the old stuff anyway. One has to keep changing and growing in order to keep it fresh, and I’m just not satisfied with trying to pay my bills… I need more.

Want to try this on your own? Here’s a great kit [via Amazon] to get you started.


Want to get a boost with your new business journaling practice or just see in more detail how I do it? That’s on my list of live videos I’ll be doing in the new year! Doing live videos is one of the things I realized that was successful in 2018 and needed to happen more often… so here we go! You can either follow my videos via Facebook, or sign up for the Live Video Alert Hotline and get an email before I go live. Just sign up below! I will ONLY email you about Facebook, Instagram, or other live video events unless you choose to be added to the main list also – and you can unsubscribe at any time.


follow videos on facebook

My boon for 2019 for you? Free Live Videos!

Click above to see my latest [goofy] Facebook Live post, where I update about the construction we did on the basement/my studio space, and what to expect this coming year as regarding my plans to broadcast free lessons, behind the scenes segments, and Q & As on a wide variety of subjects. Want some input on what you’d like me to talk about? You can comment on the video above or comment below with topics you’d to chat on.

Some ideas:

  • spinning tips and techniques
  • color and texture blending for carding
  • business concerns and questions
  • dyeing insights
  • spinning wheel maintenance and tips
  • weaving weirdness
  • journaling for business and creativity
  • mindfulness in fiber arts

Add your own! I take all suggestions seriously!

So tell me about your reflections on 2018, and what you might have coming up that’s new and interesting for 2019? I am excited to hear about how you have learned from the year that’s passing away, and how you will nurture that into a better year to come. Look for a post from me soon on my Word for 2019 and what else I have up my sleeve, and Happy New Year to you!

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